Triplex 2020

Direct Wines Production

White Wine With Barrel

Bordeaux Aoc - France


10-15 €.

Other winning products from Direct Wines Production

Tasting notes of winery's winemaker

Taste: Rounded, some weight, bright citrus, lightly tropical, gentle spice / Aroma: Lemon, lime, passion fruit, creamy spice

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Triplex 2020

Direct Wines Production

White Wine With Barrel

Bordeaux Aoc - France


10-15 €.

Other winning products from Direct Wines Production

Tasting notes of winery's winemaker

Taste: Rounded, some weight, bright citrus, lightly tropical, gentle spice / Aroma: Lemon, lime, passion fruit, creamy spice

Is this company yours? You can add information from your registration area.




Triplex 2020

Direct Wines Production

White Wine With Barrel

Bordeaux Aoc - France


10-15 €.

Other winning products from Direct Wines Production

Tasting notes of winery's winemaker

Taste: Rounded, some weight, bright citrus, lightly tropical, gentle spice / Aroma: Lemon, lime, passion fruit, creamy spice

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Triplex 2020

Direct Wines Production

Type of wine/spirit: White with barrel

Region - Country: Bordeaux Aoc - France


Price: 10-15 €.

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Tasting notes of winery's winemaker

Taste: Rounded, some weight, bright citrus, lightly tropical, gentle spice / Aroma: Lemon, lime, passion fruit, creamy spice