Hnos Frias Del Val Crianza 2014

Hermanos Frías Del Val

Tipo de vino/licor: Tinto Región - País: Rioja Alavesa - Spain
Valoración: Plata PVP: 10-15 €
Barrica: Si Visitar bodega

Nota de cata del enólogo de la bodega

Attractive cherry-red in colour with flashes of purple at the rim, which confirm its fine vintage.

Its nose is that of a complex and subtle wine, with intense aromas, opening very fine with milky traces combined with aromas of red fruits of the forest (strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry) with mineral, floral, and balsamic notes, in addition to aromas of cocoa and milk caramel.

In the mouth it is smooth and warmly potent, with a sweet fruitiness, highly perfumed with notes of cocoa and milky minerals; in the finish the outstanding note is a milky coffee caramel.

Striking in its sensations, with a great body, it has a perfumed afternose and very good structure.

Otros galardones obtenidos por este vino/licor

- Medalla de oro en Catavinum WWSC 2015

- Medalla de plata en Vth Challenge to the best Spanish wines for Asia 2014

- Tercer premio en la Fiesta de la vendimia de Rioja alavesa 2013

- Medalla de oro en Concours international de vines de Bruselas 2012

- Mención en Decanter WWA 2012

- Medalla de oro en Terravino Mediterranean Wine and Spirit Challenge 2009 ? Israel

- Medalla de oro en Challenge international du vin de Burdeos 2009

- Medalla de plata en Challege to the best Spanish Wine for Asia 2009

- Medalla de bronce en Challenge international du vin de Burdeos 2008